- Ordering Process:
- Customers must provide accurate information during the ordering process.
- Orders are confirmed upon successful payment.
- Payment:
- We accept various payment methods; details are provided during checkout.
- Payments are secure, and sensitive information is encrypted.
- Shipping:
- Delivery times may vary; customers will be informed of any delays.
- Shipping costs are specified at checkout.
- Returns and Exchanges:
- Returns are non accepted but can be exchanged within a timeframe.
- Items must be unused and in original condition for an exchange(please read the returns policy on the website for more info).
- Product Information:
- We strive to provide accurate product descriptions and images.
- Variations may occur, and we reserve the right to update information.
- Privacy Policy:
- Customer information is handled securely and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
- Personal data is not shared with third parties without consent.
- Intellectual Property:
- All content on our website is the intellectual property of our business.
- Reproduction or distribution without permission is prohibited.
- Customer Conduct:
- Respectful communication is expected from customers.
- Any abusive behavior may result in termination of services.
- Liability:
- We are not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.
- Liability is limited to the purchase price of the product.
- Updates to Terms:
- These terms may be updated; customers will be notified of changes.
By using our website and services, customers agree to abide by these terms and conditions.If you have any questions, please contact our customer service.